ZWeR 2022, 468
Europe’s Green Ambition: New Guidelines of the European Commission on the Application of Art. 101 TFEU to Sustainability Agreements – A Critical Account
- I. Introduction
- II. Definitions and General Principles
- 1. Definitions
- 2. General Principles
- 2.1 No application of Wouters and Meca-Medina to Sustainability Agreements
- 2.2 No application of the ‘ancillary restraints doctrine’ to Sustainability Agreements
- 2.3 Sustainability Agreements as a tool to address market failures
- III. Assessment of Sustainability Agreements under Art. 101(1) TFEU
- 1. Sustainability Agreements that do not raise competition concerns (‘safe harbours’)
- 2. Sustainability standardisation agreements (‘soft safe harbour’)
- 3. Delineating Infringements ‘by object’ from infringements ‘by effect’
- IV. Assessment of Sustainability Agreements under Art. 101(3) TFEU
- 1. Sustainability benefits as efficiency gains
- 2. Indispensability of Sustainability Agreements
- 3. Pass on to consumers
- 3.1 Individual (use value and non-use value) benefits
- 3.2 Collective benefits
- 3.2.1 ‘Analogy’ to established case law?
- 3.2.2 Discussion
- 4. No elimination of competition
- V. Conclusion
- *
- *)Dr. iur., LL.M. (EUI), postdoctoral researcher at the chair for Private Law, European Economic Law, Competition Law and Law and Economics of Prof. Heike Schweitzer, LL.M. (Yale) at the Humboldt University in Berlin
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