ZWeR 2022, 225
Sustainability Agreements and Social Norms
- I. Introduction
- II. Norm-based preferences for sustainable products
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Formalization
- 3. Empirical illustration
- III. Market failure and the potential of efficient horizontal agreements
- IV. A legal framing of the concept
- 1. Measuring sustainability agreements against consumer welfare
- 2. Comparing different willingness-to-pay values
- V. Concluding remarks
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- *)Prof. Dr., Goethe University Frankfurt
- **
- **)Associate Principal, Charles River Associates, München
- ***
- ***)Prof. Dr., Eberhard Karls University TübingenWe thank the Dutch Competition Authority (ACM), notably Theon von Dijk, for providing us with the data underlying the conjoint analysis in this article. We also thank Eftichios Sartzetakis and Anastasios Xepapadeas for discussions.
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