ZWeR 2016, 308
“Minimum Advertised Price” policies and the dividing line between price and non-price restraints – An analysis under U.S. antitrust and EU competition law in view of recent UK decisions
- I. Introduction
- II. Importance of the internet as a sales channel
- III. MAP policies’ objectives: avoiding “price wars”
- IV. MAP policies between price and non-price restraints
- V. EU competition law and the recent UK decisions on advertising price restrictions
- 1. The CMA’s decision of 24 May 2016: de facto RPM
- 1.1 EU case law on advertising price prohibitions
- 1.2 MAP policy as de facto RPM
- 1.2.1 “Flanking measures”: monitoring and disciplinary mechanism
- 1.2.2 Pierre Fabre as an “all-purpose weapon” against any objection related to brand image?
- 2. The OFT’s decision of 27 March 2014: hardcore restriction under Art. 4(b) VBER
- VI. U.S. antitrust law: Rule of reason analysis for MAP policies
- 1. FTC investigation on cooperative advertising programmes in the CD retailing sector
- 2. The WorldHomeCenter decisions
- VII. Conclusion
- *
- *)Dr. iur., LL.M. (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne). The author is Trainee (Rechtsreferendar) at OLG Oldenburg.
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