ZWeR 2014, 282

RWS Verlag Kommunikationsforum GmbH, Köln RWS Verlag Kommunikationsforum GmbH, Köln 2199-1723 Zeitschrift für Wettbewerbsrecht ZWeR 2014 AufsätzeAnna Maria Doose*

Methods for Calculating Cartel Damages: A Survey

The paper focuses on the various methods used to quantify cartel damages, which have become more and more important as private damage suits in the aftermath of antitrust litigation increase. The approaches implementation is embedded into current legal environments with regards to the estimation approaches being used for quantification of cartel damages. The direct comparison of methods shows that difference methods convince due to their simplicity and plausibility in results as well as replicability. Cost-based approaches have to overcome hurdles but still are easy to conduct and comparatively more accurate. In contrast, price prediction takes market changes into account and the market simulation presents the most sophisticated and flexible approach, provided that assumptions are correct and correctly implemented, and therefore approaches the „real world“ counterfactual as approximate as possible.


  • I. Introduction
  • II. Methods of Quantifying Cartel Damages
    • 1. Literature on quantification approaches
    • 2. Damage Quantification with Empirical Methods
      • 2.1 Before and After Approaches
      • 2.2 Yardstick Approaches
      • 2.3 Cost-based Approaches
      • 2.4 Price Prediction
      • 2.5 Simulation Approaches
    • 3. Accuracy vs. practicability
  • III. Conclusion
Ilmenau University of Technology, Institute of Economics and Lademann & Associates GmbH, Hamburg. The thoughts and opinions expressed in this paper are not associated to Lademann & Associates and completely represent my own work.

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