ZWeR 2010, 252
The German Merger Remedy Experience
- I. Introduction
- II. Literature Review
- III. Regulatory Framework in Germany
- 1. Merger Control and Remedies Practice
- 2. Balancing Clause
- 3. Permanent Control of Conduct
- IV. German Merger Remedies Experience
- 1. Methodology of our Analysis
- 2. Empirical Analysis
- V. Main Insights
- 1. Selection of Purchaser
- 2. Type and Scope of Remedy
- 3. Hold Separate Obligation and Use of Trustee
- 4. Long-term Monitoring
- VI. Conclusion
- *
- *)Dr. Wolfgang Nothhelfer is a Manager at the Economics Practice of PricewaterhouseCoopers in Berlin. Dr. Michael Rauber is a Senior Consultant at the Economics Practice of PricewaterhouseCoopers in Berlin and London. The authors gratefully acknowledge research assistance by Ekatherina Vaynstheyn and Cora-Marie Pinter as well as helpful comments and suggestions by Grant Saggers and Dr. Florian Bien. All remaining errors are the authors' responsibility. Any comments are welcome to: and
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