ZWeR 2006, 259

RWS Verlag Kommunikationsforum GmbH, Köln RWS Verlag Kommunikationsforum GmbH, Köln 1611-1982 Zeitschrift für Wettbewerbsrecht ZWeR 2006 AufsätzeMeinrad Dreher* / Michael Adam**

The more economic approach to Art. 82 EC and the legal process

Economic criticism of the current approach to Art. 82 EC has led to a broad discussion about the reform of the European rules on the abuse of dominance and to the adoption of the Commissions' Discussion paper on the application of Art. 82 of the Treaty to exclusionary abuses on 19th December 2005. This article addresses the questions how and how far economic analysis may be integrated into the administrative and judicial process when applying Art. 82 EC.


  • I. Introduction
  • II. Legalism and interventionism versus “sound economic thinking''
    • 1. The criticism of the traditional approach to Art. 82 EC
    • 2. The example of rebates
    • 3. The Commission's Discussion paper on exclusionary abuses
      • 3.1 Exclusionary conduct
      • 3.2 Possible defences
      • 3.3 Price-based practices
  • III. Legal limits of an economic approach
  • IV. Sound economics and protection of competitors versus protection of competition
  • V. Sound economics and standard of proof
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Establishment versus “presumption'' of abuse
    • 3. The invocation of defences
  • VI. Sound economics, administrative and judicial efficiency
    • 1. The relationship between competition policy approach and efficient implementation
    • 2. Incomplete information as an obstacle to efficient implementation
    • 3. Duration, cost and legal review of the administrative process
    • 4. Legal certainty
  • VII. Sound economics and decentralised application of Art. 82 EC
  • VIII. Sound economics and private enforcement of Art. 82 EC
  • IX. Conclusion
Professor of European Business Law, University of Mainz, Germany
Research Fellow at the Chair of European Business Law, University of Mainz, Germany

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