ZWeR 2004, 411
The Impacts of the WTO Competition Policy Negotiation in China**
- I. Introduction
- II. The stand and countermeasures for China to take on the negotiations on competition policy under the WTO framework
- 1. A multilateral agreement will help curb the negative impact of transnational anticompetition practices on China
- 2. A multilateral agreement will help Chinese enterprises march onto the international market
- 3. A multilateral agreement is favourable to the development of Chinese competition law
- 4. A multilateral agreement will be favourable to the development of an independent competi-tion authority
- 5. The core principles of WTO competition policy are acceptable to China
- III. Conclusion
- *
- *)Professor of Law at the Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Vice-President of the Chinese Society for Economic Law, Beijing
- **
- **)This paper has been presented at the “LAWASIA Conference on Trade Law: Legal Guidance to Free Trade Zone”, 18th – 21st May 2004, Shanghai, China
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