ZWeR 2018, 1
The draft provisions on antitrust fines in the Commission’s ECN+ Proposal
- I. Introduction
- II. Economic entity doctrine
- 1. The proposed legislation
- 2. Appropriateness of the economic entity doctrine as a compulsory EU-wide standard
- 2.1 Unresolved legal flaws of the economic entity doctrine
- 2.2 The effectiveness allegation
- 2.3 Economic inefficiency of high fines
- 2.4 Inequality in relative sanctioning powers created by a unitary 10 %-cap
- 3. Legal uncertainty as to the definition of an economic entity according to the Proposal
- 3.1 The problem
- 3.2 Uncertainties as to the scope of the economic entity doctrine
- 3.2.1 The limitation on “parent companies” in Article 12(3) ECN+
- 3.2.2 Inconsistency between Article 12(3) and 14(1) ECN+
- 3.2.3 Legislative restraints under national constitutional law
- 3.3 Conclusion
- III. Harmonisation of leniency programmes
- 1. The proposed legislation
- 2. Evaluation
- 2.1 Alternative approach: One-stop-principle
- 2.2 Alternative approach: Challenges arising in a one-stop-shop-system
- 2.2.1 Idiosyncrasies of national enforcement systems
- 2.2.2 Attribution of knowledge
- IV. Final remarks
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- *)Professor of Law, Holder of the Chair of Private Law, Business Law, Competition and Insurance Law, Faculty of Law of the Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen. Email:
- **
- **)Research Assistant, Faculty of Law of the Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen.
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