ZWeR 2017, 72
Why SEPs have been involved in Antitrust Cases – From A Chinese Scholar’s Perspective
- I. Introduction
- II. SEPs relate to public interest to a greater extent
- 1. Technology standardization has important implications to public interest
- 2. SEPs relate to public interest to a greater extent compared with non-SEPs
- III. The holders of SEPs often have dominant positions in the SEPs’ licensing market
- 1. Technical standardization may enable each SEP to constitute a separate relevant technology market on its own
- 2. The holders of SEPs are often considered to have dominant positions in the SEPs’ licensing market in Chinese practice
- IV. The holder of SEPs commits to FRAND licensing
- 1. FRAND licensing is an agreement between the SSO and the SEP holder
- 2. Chinese Practices concerning the FRAND licensing
- 3. Cases related to FRAND licensing should belong to antitrust, not to contact law
- V. The holder of SEPs Should be limited from using the injunction relief
- 1. Probable motivation for “patent hold-up” behind the injunction litigation
- 2. The conflict between injunction relief and FRAND commitment
- 3. The practice of Chinese courts
- VI. Conclusion and a thought
- *
- *)Distinguished Professor at Hunan University and Law Professor at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The author expresses her thanks to Mr. Lijie Han, Dr. Xiaojin Huang, Dr. Sun Su and Mr. Callum Weinberg for their contributions to this article.
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