RWS Verlag Kommunikationsforum GmbH, Köln
RWS Verlag Kommunikationsforum GmbH, Köln
Zeitschrift für Wettbewerbsrecht
Editorial english
Dear Readers,
ten years Zeitschrift für Wettbewerbsrecht/Journal of Competition Law (ZWeR) – it’s time to celebrate. But these ten years brought also changes in the membership of the Advisory Council of the Journal. Advice by the Council has been very valuable in this time both in terms of suggesting subjects to be treated and of constructive criticism. Experiences made in other countries with amending existing laws, in professional debates and with specific court practices were brought to the attention of the Journal and made a substantial contribution to its development in this time. Of particular importance were the opportunities to get know each other.
The editors are grateful for these contributions and wish to express their gratitude in particular towards those members of the Advisory Council whose membership has come to an end. These are Götz Drauz, Brussels; Professor Attila Harmathy, Budapest; Professor Laurence Idot, Paris; Dr. Sven Norberg, Geneva; Professor Dimitris Tzouganatos, Athens. All of them had their share in furthering the development of the Journal.
At the same time, new member willing to support the Journal by their experience and their academic commitment have joined the Advisory Council. They are most welcome.
For the first time, a member comes from the Peoples Republic of China, Professor Dr. Xiaoye Wang of the University Hunan and the Academy of Social Sciences, a center of research in many fields beyond law, and consultant expert at the Anti-Monopoly Commission.
Dr. Bernd Langeheine, Deputy Director General at the Directorate-General for Competition of the European Commission, will contribute by his broad experience in competition matters to the Journal. Before coming into this position (as highest ranking German on the Commission’s staff), he had already acquired substantial experience in this field in various other positions on the Commission’s workforce.
Prof. Dr. Carsten Becker is Director at the German Competition Authority (Bundeskartellamt) and honorary professor at the University of Mainz. As chairman of a Decision Tribunal in the Bundeskartellamt he has a broad experience in competition law enforcement. As a lecturer at the University and author of numerous articles on the subject he has also shown strong scholarly interests.
The editors are looking forward to continuing their fruitful co-operation with an eminent Advisory Council.
Joachim Bornkamm
Meinrad Dreher
Andreas Fuchs
Ulrich Immenga
Frank Montag
Christoph Stadler
Kurt Stockmann
Stefan Thomas